RC15 @ The Bartlett Autumn & B-Pro Shows

Ca' Marcello de' Leoni on AD-Italia
Once again the restoration and interior design project for Ca’ Marcello de Leoni in Venice has been published.
This time on the prestigious ADItalia: thanks to Dario Borruto Photography for the striking images and to Francesca Longoni for the beautiful words.

Ca' Marcello de' Leoni on ELLEDECOR-Italia
The restoration and interior design project for Ca’ Marcello de Leoni in Venice has been published on ELLEDECOR-Italia: thanks to Dario Borruto Photography for the amazing images and to Elisa Zagaria for the text.

new Commission in Rome
Ilaria Di Carlo Architects will join Lab36 in the refurbishment of an amazing 1920’s villa in Rome’s Giannicolo.

B-Pro Prospectives issue #003 just published
Ilaria Di Carlo and Annarita Papeschi co-sign the article entitled “Towards a Pervasive Affectual Urbanism” on the latest issue of the B-Pro online magazine Prospectives.
Out today.

International Lecture @ the 11th European Feminist Research Perspective
Ilaria Di Carlo together with Annarita Papeschi will be taking part to the 11th European Feminist Research Perspective in Milan (Milano-Bicocca University) with a short lecture entitled “Landscapes of affects: Sensing, Mapping and Experiential Dynamics” at 9.00, room U6/1E.

Restoration at Ca' Marcello dei Leoni, Venice
We have started today the works for the renovation and restoration of a property in the historical Palace Ca’ Marcello dei Leoni on the Canal Grande in Venice.
Italian Women Architects at the Biennale of Venice: Full Video released
The full video presented at the Venice Biennale 2021 showcasing the amazing work of a group of Italian Women Architects has been finally released . Ilaria Di Carlo Architects was one of them. ( min. 00:56)
Detoxing architecture from inequalities: a plural act.

Seminar @ IUAV: Towards and Affectual Urbanism: Fieldnotes
On May the 5th 2022, Ilaria Di Carlo and Annarita Papeschi following an invitation by Prof. Annalisa Sacchi (IUAV) will be presenting the outcome of their research team Pervasive Urbanism during a seminar at the Dipartmento di Cultura del Progetto, Corso di Laurea in Teatro e Arti Performative. We are very excited!!

SV Flat Photo Shooting with Simone Bossi
SV Flat has been the subject of a photo shoot by the talented Simone Bossi Photographer.
The images will be soon published on line.

SV Flat, Rome: Work in Progress II
We have finally installed the bespoke bathroom!
The material choice fell on the pece stone, a warm brown chocolate natural stone extracted from the only existing quarry in Ragusa, Tabuna Descat.
Pietra Pece is a limestone with chromatic colour shifts that make it truly unique: they range from light grey to darker brown, and the presence of fossils and veins add to its value and make it inequivocally distinctive.

Lecture 'Indexing MultiMateriality. An Historical and Theoretical Overview' @ Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, Italy
Ilaria Di Carlo will be lecturing @ Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, Italy in the Department of Industrial, Electronic & Mechanical Engineering on invitation of Prof. Giulia Lanzara.
The lecture entitled ‘Indexing Multimateriality. An Historical and Contemporary Overview’ deals with the History and Theory behind the concept of Multimateriality.

SV Flat, Rome: Work in Progress
The works at SV Flat in Monti, Rome, are progressing well.
The ‘scuplted’ interiors volumes are finally completed, the floor in blonde/honey oak installed and soon we will set up the bespoke marble bathroom….

External Lecturer Appointment @ Synthetic Landscape Lab, History and Theory Class | UIBK, Innsbruck, Austria
Ilaria Di Carlo has just been appointed External Lecturer in History & Theory for the Synthetic Landscape Lab directed by Prof. Claudia Pasquero at the UIBK, Innsbruck Univeristy, Austria.
The course will be presenting a series of both historic and contemporary authors and their literature production considered meaningful and funding for the theories behind the design philosophy of the Synthetic Landscapes Methodology.

Ilaria Di Carlo Architects @ Italian Pavillion, Comunità resilienti. Venice Architecture Biennale 2020/21
IDC_Architects will be present at the Italian Pavillion ‘Comunità Resilienti’ at the Venice Architecture Biennale 20/21:
The exhibition is the result of an amazing act of love and dedication by RebelArchitette, in collaboration with Alessandro Melis, that in a curatorial project, have chosen the excellence among Italian women architects as “a choral project of both research and representation that does not propose exclusive selection formulas, but which, on the contrary, favors new interpretations of the profession still invisible to the general public.”
But most importantly that “this expanded representation of excellence will not only become an active, democratic tool, open to those who want to involve you (ndr. women architects) in events, collaborations and why not even in projects, but also demonstrates how much we care most: the great power of support between professionals and your presence as role models for the new generations of professionals.”

Ilaria Di Carlo Architects @ The Venice Biennnale 2020/21- DETOXING ARCHITECTURE FROM INEQUALITIES : A PLURAL ACT –
We are very proud and honoured to share the news that Ilaria Di Carlo Architects has been chosen to participate with a great group of Italian women to the 17th Architecture Biennale in Venice:
Inserted in the section of the Italian Pavilion entitled: DECOLONIZING THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT, section COMUNITA’ RESILIENTI in co -coordination with Alessandro Melis+RebelArchitette.

Practicas de Paisaje - International Lecture Series 2021
We are very pleased to share with you the list of the international guests partecipating at the International Lecture series 2021 that will take place on the days of the 21-22-23 May 2021 online within the course Practicas de Paisaje @ the UTDT, BA organised and chaired by Ilaria Di Carlo.

Visiting Professorship Appointment @Programa en Arquitectura del Paisaje - Practicas de Paisaje | Universidad Torquato Di Tella, BA
Ilaria Di Carlo has just been appointed Visiting Professor in Practicas de Paisaje in the Post-Graduate Program in Landscape Architecture at the Universidad Torquato di Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The course entitled Landscapes of Aesthetic Relational Assemblages will be presenting a series of practices investigating the idea of landscapes as systems of heterogeneous elements with emerging properties interconnected in a communicative entanglement defined by an aesthetic dimension.

Ilaria Di Carlo's interview @ Live Social, Radio Roma Capitale
We are delighted to share with you the interview that Ilaria Di Carlo has released to Radio Roma Capitale on Live Social.
Ilaria talked about her beginnings as an architect, her work, her collaborations and the studio’s distinctive approach to design.
Watch the video in the link for the entire interview.

History&Theory Tutor New Appointment @B-Pro MArch Urban Design RC15 | the Bartlett, UCL
Ilaria Di Carlo has just been appointed History and Theory tutor in the B-Pro March in Urban Design at the Bartlett, UCL, London.
The course is part of the RC15 cluster: “Pervasive Urbanism. Reprogramming the Urban Common” which proposes the radical re-imagination of urban commons as hybrid infrastructures with a post-human reconceptualization of our relationship with the enviroment, recognizing that all forms of life are connected in a vast, entangling mesh.

History&Theory Tutor @B-Pro MArch Architecture Design RC8 | the Bartlett, UCL
Ilaria Di Carlo has been nominated History and Theory tutor in the B-Pro March in Architecture Design at the Bartlett, UCL, London.
The course is part of the RC8 cluster: “Recycling & Mixing” investigating the potentialities of Multi-Materiality and Functionally Graded Materials in Architecture.

Lecture 'Impurity as a form of Aesthetics. Notes on Contamination' @ Centro de Estudios de Arquitectura Contemporanea, UTDT, Buenos Aires
We are very excited to announce that we have been invited to lecture at the Centro de Estudios de Arquitectura Contemporanea, UTDT, in Buenos Aires.
The Lecture will be entitled ‘Impurity as a form of Aesthetics. Notes on Contamination’ and it will elaborate on the theoretical and conceptual framework that leads our design practice and work in the academia.
The lecture will be streamed online on EAEU youtube channel.

Workshop final jury @ Universidad Di Tella
On 18th Of July the final jury of the workshop ‘Impurity : Ecology as a form of Aesthetics’ will take place online.
We would like to thank and welcome our jurors: Ciro Najle, Ivan Valdez, Emmanouil Zaroukas, Marco Poletto and Claudia Pasquero!

Workshop 'Impurity: Ecology as a form of Aesthetics' @ Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires
Ilaria Di Carlo will be Visiting Professor for a week long workshop in the Postgraduate Programme in Landscape Architecture at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The workshop, entitled “Impurity: Ecology as a form of Aesthetics’, will explore the concept of interconnectedness and contamination working with patterns as ecological aesthetic agency to connect different forms of rationalities and create relational constructions of space, time and values.
The output is what we call Cartographies of subjectivity: patterns of human and non-human ecologies/subjectivities as forms of analogue computation to read and organize space and knowledge through the interface of aesthetics.
Thanks to Juan Pablo Porta, Professor and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Programme in Landscape Architecture and Ciro Najle, Dean of the UTDT, for the kind invitation!

ACADIA2020: nominated Scientific Committee member
We are very excited to share the news that Ilaria Di Carlo has been appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee of the ACADIA2020 Conference ‘Distributed proximities’ which will take place Online+ Global from the 26 to the 30th of October 2020.
ACADIA was formed for the purpose of facilitating communication and critical thinking regarding the use of computers in architecture, planning and building science. The organization is committed to the research and development of computational methods that enhance design creativity, rather than simply production, and that aim at contributing to the construction of humane physical environments. A particular focus is education and the software, hardware and pedagogy involved in education.
This year topic,Distributed Proximities, will elaborate on the idea that abrupt shifts due to the global pandemic have precipitated myriad experiments in remoteness, improvised virtual communities, and rapid retooling to address novel urgencies. These circumstances provide an opportunity to reflect upon practices and priorities, to recognize the interdependent coevolutionary nature of our planet, society, and built environment, and to collectively re-imagine alternate futures.

Expert Architect for Italia.az
We are very excited to be part of the panel of experts for the group Italia.az. an online platform and network created to promote the ‘Made in Italy’ in the world, in particular in the luxory sector.
The panel is composed of different recognised experts from various disciplines and fields that span from architecture to fashion, passing through food, graphics, film making, literature, real estate and many others.
For more information please follow the link.

New commission in Rome historic city centre.
Ilaria Di Carlo Architects has been commissioned to refurbish a precious little appartment with amazing views over the ancient city in the roman Monti quarter.
The project is in its early stages, stay tuned for further updates!

Lecture @the Synthetic Landscape Lab seminars | Universitat Innsbruck
Ilaria Di Carlo will be lecturing @ the Synthetic Landscape Lab seminars | Universitat Innsbruck on the 13th May 2020.
The on-line lecture entitled “The powerful impurity of aesthtetics in ecological design. The metaphysics of collaboration” will elaborate on the concepts of aesthtetics, ecology and the post Covid-19 scenario in urban planning and design.
The lecture will be followed by a Q&A session and a seminar with the PHD students.

AAVS Milan publications on Instagram
The Instagram accounts of Parametric Architecture, AV Platform, WiseArchitecture, Art and Architecture and World Architecture Community have published different articles on the AA Visiting School Milan 2019 directed by Ilaria Di Carlo and Anat Stern last October.

AA Visiting School Milan on Material District
The online platform Material District has published an article on the AA Visiting School Milan 2019 directed by Ilaria Di Carlo and Anat Stern last October.

AA Visiting School Milan on Platform Magazine
The magazine Platform has published on its online version an article on the AA Visiting School Milan 2019 directed by Ilaria Di Carlo and Anat Stern last October.

Opening Conference "Architectural Heritage: European and Azerbaijani experiences"@ UFAZ - French Azerbaijani University _Baku, Azerbaijian
Ilaria Di Carlo will be one of the international speakers at the Opening Conference “Architectural Heritage: European and Azerbaijiani experiences” to be held on the 1st of November 2019 during the Fantazia Festival at the UFAZ – French Azerbaijani University in Baku, Azerbaijian.
The purpose of the “FANTAZIA” Festival, organized and sponsored by the EU and named after Baku’s famous bathhouse protected building, is to raise awareness on the need to showcase and to preserve cultural heritage.
The conference will give the opportunity to bring architects and experts to create a platform to demonstrate and discuss different strategies and practices across the world for preserving and protecting cultural heritage.
Our office together with Marta Suarez Ponce de Leon of Lab36 will be presenting a lecture entitled “The power of aesthetics in the enhancement and safeguard of historical heritage”.

AAVisiting school Milan Final Jury
Today at the fablab Ideas Bit-Factory took place the final jury for our AA Visiting School Milan.
For the occasion, together with the Program Heads Ilaria Di Carlo and Anat Stern and the tutors, Mattia Santi, Francesca Silvi and Arantza Vilas, we had the great pleasure to host a prestigious panel:
Denis Santachiara, Gala Fernandez, Angelo Jelmini, Diego Grandi, Simona Finessi and Angelo Dadda.
Thanks to everyone for the tremendous feedback and the contribution to a very interesting debate on architecture, fashion, technology, craft and culture.

We are on INTERNI MAGAZINE online!
Pleased to share the news that we made it on INTERNI MAGAZINE!
A brief but precious article to mention our AAVisiting School event in Milan advertising the upcoming exhibition of the students’ final works at Ideas Bit-Factory, via E. Cosenz 44/4, Milan.
Come and join us on the 18th of October from 11.00 am!

Resilient SKIN-code workshop kick off
Resilient SKIN-code, our AA Visiting school Milan, has now taken off!
We will be working for the next couple of weeks with some very talented tutors and 14 students coming from all over the world.
All very exciting!
Stay tuned and follow us on our links below. We will keep posting daily!

Resilient SKIN-code new sponsor
We are pleased to share the news that FELTUM, the mexican firm specialised in felt design projects, will be sponsoring Resilient SKIN-code, our AA Visiting school Milan, which will take place from the 7th to the 18th of October 2019.
In this workshop we will be exploring how technology and craft can together contribute to the development of both architecture and fashion.

New Collaboration with Lab_36
We are very pleased to announce a new collaboration with the roman based studio LAB_36.
With an experience that spans multiple scales and typologies, from the design of luxury residential and museums to institutional buildings such as the Embassy of Spain in Rome, the two offices will be working together on a series of high-end residential and urban planning projects on an international level.

Exhibition on the Netivot master plan competition @ Israeli Architects Organization
Our proposal for the Netivot Master plan will be displayed in the exhibition “ Planning the entrance for Netivot“at the Israeli Architects Organization in Tel Aviv together with the other winning entries from the 30/4/2019 to the 30/05/2019.
The Exhibition will be followed by a closing seminar on the 05/06/2019.

SG House Photo Shooting with Simone Bossi
SG House has been the subject of a photo shoot by the talented Simone Bossi Photographer.
The images will be soon published on line.

External examiner @Iceland Academy of Arts
Ilaria Di Carlo has been invited to be external examiner for the final BA Diploma in Architecture at the Iceland University of the Arts on the 25th/ 26th/ 27th April 2019. She will be reviewing the final BA students projects.

Prized for the Secondary School Design Competition in Mori, Italy
After a two-stage international competition with worldwide submissions, we are glad to announce that our proposal for the Secondary School Design Competition in Mori has just been awarded the Honourable Mention of the jury.
The Winning Design team was composed by Ilaria Di Carlo_Architects, Relational Urbanism ltd, Tabony Architects, Interpro Engineering Consultants s.r.l., Geologi Associati Fantucci e Stocchi.

Prized for the Breathing City Master Plan in Netivot, Israel
We are glad to announce that our proposal for the Breathing City Master Plan Competition in Netivot, Israel has just been awarded with the 3rd Prize of the jury. Our proposal adopted an ecological design approach that attempted to integrate the city within its environmental, climatic and cultural context. The proposed structure followed the environmental logic in order to create micro-climatic conditions and provide a good urban environment particularly in the hottest months of the year.
The Winning Design team was composed by Ilaria Di Carlo_Architects, Relational Urbanism ltd, Tabony Architects.

AAVisiting School Milan, Resilient Skin_code, Milan_Italy
We are very pleased to announce the openings for the applications to our AAVisiting School Milan which will take place between the 7thand the 18thof October 2019 at the Polytechnic of Milan.
The workshop is a collaboration between the Architectural Association and the Polytechnic of Milan.
It will explore the relationship between architecture and fashion design, by inviting students to create a wearable structure that is also a form of shelter.

First History&Theory lecture @B-Pro MArch Urban Design RC18 | the Bartlett, UCL
Very pleased to be in London for our first lecture in History and Theory entitled ‘The possibilities of non-computational ecologies’.

History&Theory Tutor @B-Pro MArch Urban Design RC18 | the Bartlett, UCL
Ilaria Di Carlo has been nominated History and Theory tutor in the B-Pro March in Urban Design at the Bartlett, UCL, London.
The course is part of the RC18 cluster: “Bridging across Mass Customisation: Fab & Media Urbanism”

Prized for the Langyuan Station international Competition, Beijing_China
We are delighted to announce that our design proposal for Langyuan Station international Competition in Beijing has awarded the prize of the Best innovative and Sustainable Design.
The competition was hosted by Langyuan Culture New Times Beijing. The ambition of the design was to provide Chaoyang with an unique project that enhances the existing heritage, and by introducing an innovative solution, to perform as an environmental device and an urban catalyst. The design employs the latest advancements in computational and ecological modelling.
The Winning Design team was composed by Ilaria Di Carlo_Architects, Relational Urbanism ltd, Tabony Architects

Revealed the first images of the Al-Qasim Museum and Cultural Centre, Rameh_Israel
After some very interesting months of intensive work, we are proud to share with you the first images of the Samih al-Qasim museum and cultural center – ( Rameh-Galilee)
The project stands on the burying ground of the late Palestinian poet Samih Al-Qasim. (1939-2014), one of the foremost Palestinian and Arab poets and a major figure in the Arab world. It is meant to represent not only a place of remembrance but also a place of inspiration for the new generations. The building was conceived as a symbolic voyage into the poetry of Al-Qasim as well as the most appropriate answer to many different environmental, ecological and material issues of the site informed by a state of the art computational process capable to reveal many complex aspects of a delicate site turning them into generative design forces.

Mentioned among the WOMEN ARCHITECTS OF TODAY!
Ilaria Di Carlo has been mentioned among the women architects of today by the RebelArchitetteteam.
RebelArchitetteis a team of 14 creative young women with the goal to outline a more inclusive view of architecture by identifying ways to make the results achieved by women known to all, visible and accessible.

Publication. MONOGRAPH. Research n. 03, Flowing Knowledge
Our editorial article entitled ‘Transdisciplinarity: a mental infrastructure in search of a new praxis’has been published on this special number of MONOGRAPH. Research dedicated to the contamination of knowledge across borders and disciplines.

Conference @ the B-Pro PROSPECTIVE lecture series 2017/18, The Bartlett, London, UK
Ilaria Di Carlo has been invited by the Theory module co-ordinator BPRO Urban Design Roberto Bottazzi to give a lecture at the Prospective Lecture series 2017-18, The Bartlett School of Architecture, London.
The lecture is entitled ‘Aesthetics, Sustainability and interfaces. The architect as a cartographer of subjectivy’

Publication. G House published on ARCHIDATUM
The Project G House has been selected to be published on the Archidatum website, the first website on architecture in the African continent.

The patio of G House has been published on the Homify Mexico website!
The patio of Guelimì House has been published on the Homify Mexico website!
ON AIR. Interview on the Aesthetics of Sustainability
Ilaria Di Carlo has been interviewed about the conference ‘The Aesthetics of Sustainability: thoughts and projects’ held at the Step – Trentino school of management following the launch of her book ‘The Aesthetics of Sustainability. Systemic thinking and self-organization in the evolution of cities.’’.The interview was part of a series of meetings entitled Progetto_Paesaggio (Project_Landscape) of the autumn of 2016 organized by the Step-school for the government of the territory and of the landscape focused on the integration, in the architectural project, between new and modern with old and traditional with particular attention to the sustainability of the interventions.

Conference. Interview on the Aesthetics of Sustainability. Thoughts & Projects
Ilaria Di Carlo will lecture on invitation of the tsm-Trentino School of management on the 15.11.2016 in Trento, Italy. She will be presenting her new book and her work.

Publication. IAAC bits 7.1.3.
An article summarizing the contents of our book ‘The Aesthtetics of Sustainability. Systemic Thinking and self-organization in the evolution of cities’has been published by the IAAC Institute in their series ‘Implementing Advanced Knowledge’.

Publication. THE AESTHETICS OF SUSTAINABILITY. Systemic thinking and self-organization in the evolution of cities, edited by ListLab
Our book ‘The Aesthetics of Sustainability. Systemic Thinking and self-organization in the evolution of cities’by Ilaria Di Carlo, published by ListLab is finally available for purchase!
The book contains exclusive essays by Manuel Gausa, Marjan Colletti and Pino Scaglione.
In the best bookstore and online!